Intro to Human Design
Inst.: Sheree Allard
Tues Oct 15 6-8pm $25
Unlock the Secrets of Your Unique Blueprint with Human Design
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery? Human Design offers a revolutionary approach that combines
Astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to reveal your unique genetic design.
Discover Your Design:
Type: Learn whether you’re a Generator, Projector,
Manifestor, Manifesting Generator or Reflector.
Strategy: Understand how to make decisions and interact with the world.
Authority: Find out what drives your true inner self.
Why Learn Human Design?
Self-Understanding: Gain insights into your personality and life purpose.
Improved Relationships: Navigate interactions with others more effectively.
Optimized Decision-Making: Make choices that align with your true nature.
Join our beginner’s class and unlock the potential that lies within your design. Embrace your authenticity and start living in alignment with who you are meant to be!
This class is only $25.00, and space is limited, so don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your human design.
Please bring a printed copy of your human design chart. Go to
to print your free chart
Register & Prepay by Sat Oct 12th